Tuesday, November 25, 2014

wizard of oz

orthogonal cube

The orthogonal cube was pretty easy to make. All you had to go was draw one line. You them had to copy that line at a 120 degree angle. You then just had to copy that line and move it to where you wanted it to go. Then you had to separate at side which was very difficult in my opinion. If you wouldn't have separated all the sides then you wouldn't have been able to color each individual side. But once you got them all separated you just had to color in the sides whatever color you wanted and then you were done!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Personal logo

Logos are what describe who you are. They represent your personality. My logo was music related. It was a treble clef sign and a base clef sign put together to form the shape of a heart. Although getting the sketch  liked was not all that easy. In this process i made many different sketches. It was hard to choose just one. Once i decided on the one i liked most, i cropped the scan and uploaded it to illustrator. I then had to use the pen tool to outline it. I think that was the hardest part of the whole process because sometimes the pen doesn't go where you want it to go. But then once you have it all outlined you just have to fill it in. And TADA! Your all finished!
    Final Logo

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Although i did not like my font, new alphabet, the words fit my personality. The words were rational, assertive, progressive and disciplined. The word rational fits me because I don't like to use everything all at once. The word aggressive fits me because aim not a patient person at all. The word progressive fits me well because i don't like to stick with one thing for a long time, i like to move forward and learn new things. The final word was disciplined. this word fits e because i follow rules and don't normally talk back. That is why new alphabet is my font